"It would seem that the studio has put quite a bit of faith in Snyder's work on "300", because not only has he been entrusted with making "Watchmen", but producer Mark Canton expressed an interest in a sequel to "300", according to MoviesOnline."
So, will there be a 300 Movie sequel?
Given that 300 will be the top movie of 2007, you can bet that there is a chance of this. Remember that Frank Miller is a wizard. He has plenty of stories ready to go, I'm sure!
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A sequel to "300"?
First of all we must take into consideration that the Battle of Termopilae was real and was only one, out of many, fought against the Persian Empire during what is called The Peloponeso War.
Once we understand that is easy to realise that King Leonidas did not misteriously survive, or escape, or resurrect to fight another day. Nether did he leave a son to avenge him latter on.
So the only "sequel" that I can think of is the Battle of Salamis, which was the next REAL battle in the Peloponeso War, followed by the last and final one, the Battle of Plateia, where the Greeks finaly defited the Persians for good and thanks to which today the West is the West.
This is the real order of the FACTS.
Now, if we are talking Hollywood "sequels", then anything will do as long as we make sure Freddy Krueger, Jason and Rocky Balboa are there.
Oh! Yeah...and a very big shark as well.
The way the plot goes in 300, historically and in the movie, there simply is no sequel to this movie. It would be understandable to make another movie based on the Spartans fighting the Persians, using the incredible graphic techniques and style in 300, but it cannot be considered a sequel because there is no relevance.
These money lusting corporations must understand movies to not have to be sequels to reel in money. For example, Flags of Our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima. Two movies of the same style, and producers that were not sequels, but still made alot of money.
You can't force sequels out of movies that are not intended to be so. For example, Pirates of the Caribbean was not meant to be a trilogy, but the demand for more made Terry Rossio rush a script for the second and third and they are now not nearly as well done as the first.
It'd be a shame for this to happen to 300 also
You cannot make a sequel of 300 because it would not be historically relevant to the actual history of the movie and it wouldn't correspond to any of the plot for 300.
It's possible to make money off a movie that is of a similar genre and style but not a sequel, and these movie making corporations must understand that. We saw it in Flags of Our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima.
You cannot force a sequel from a plot that is not meant to have one, it makes the sequel look forced and unprepared, like; Pirates of the Caribbean; Dead Man's Chest.
300 is a spectacular visual with an interesting plot. It would be a shame to tarnish it by forcing a sequel out of it. Other great movies can be made in this unique blue-screen style of filming, such as a movie about other battles in the Greek and Persian wards. But it'd be a waste to make a sequel of the already well done, 300.
well you can have a sequal to the movie because they left the movie off with the impression that there would be a sequal. I say if they were smart and money hungry like myself...I'd make the sequal and call it 30,000 instead of 300
Why dont they just make a prequel about a battle before the 300 , it said in the movie king leonids (sp) was in prior battles with his captain . before I watched 300 my best movie ever was sometimes a great notion , now its 300 its that good
If you want to know more about history, this catched my eye; I hope it does the same to you: "The 5th century B.C. began, for Athens, on a positive note. The newly established democracy was taking hold, and the Greek of Asia Minor had risen in revolt against the Great King and the Persian Empire. The Athenians could scarcely resist the chance to aid the Ionians, who were not only fellow Greeks but democrats in the bargain. But the revolt was crushed by Persian might, and attention was turned toward those Athenian upstarts who had helped the revolt. A Persian expeditionary force was sent out and landed at Marathon. But to the surprise of all concerned (including the Athenians, I suspect) the Persians were routed at Marathon in 490 B.C. by the local troops under the leaderships of Miltiades. A mound that projects from the middle of the plain commemorates that victory, and Marathon reverberates in our own day in many ways, including the race that, egardless of where it is run or for what length, keeps the name of Marathon alive. A Persian helmet, according to the inscription on it, was dedicated by the Athenians to Zeus at Olympia. It was a part of the booty that the Athenians took home from the battlefield that day at Marathon, booty that included a new selfconfidence as well as money. Both were in evidence when the Athenians began to build a large new Temple on the Acropolis dedicated to their patron goddess. The construction of a temple and of a political psyche was aided by an unforeseen event. At Laurion on the east coast of Attica a huge new strike of silver was made in 483 B.C. Some wanted to distribute it among the citizens, but Themistoldes persuaded the Athenians to put the windfall into the navy. This armed fleet was to be the basis of Athenian success and power for nearly all of the remainder of the 5th century, even as it provided a strong base for democracy.
The Persians were not about to forgive and forget the defeat dealt them by the Athenians at Marathon. Ten years later, in 480 B.C., they mounted a huge invasion of Greece by land and by sea from the north. Their forces numbered in the hundreds of thousands, many more than the Athenians could put up. But the Athenians were not alone now. Who can forget the Spartans valiant failure to hold Thermopylai? After Thermopylai fell, the allied Greeks felt their only hope was to defend the Peloponnesos at the Isthmos of Corinth. And so Athens, north of the Isthmos, was abandoned, and the partially built new Temple of Athena Parthenos was only one of many, many Athenian buildings that the vengeful Persians put to the torch in 480 B.C. We need here only remind ourselves of the subsequent stunning naval victory of the allied forces, led by the Athenian fleet, over the vastly superior (at least numerically) Persian fleet at Salamis, and the final victory at Plateia. But we must also remember that, before the Battle of Plateia, the Greeks took an oath that they would not rebuild the destroyed sacred structures; but would leave the charred ruins as mute testimony to the sacrilege of the Persians. Those ruins included the incomplete Old Parthenon. We, today, may wonder at the luck that eradicated so many earlier buildings and left the slate clean for a new and splendid construction program. But in 479 B.C., the Athenians must have returned home and wondered at the price of their victory over the Persians. The ruins of their homes and of their city were everywhere. Confidence in their own abilities and their innate superiority over the barbarians must have been a necessary psychological prop to their weary bodies covered with the ashes of their homes and the rubble of their hopes. Life did press forward. During the next 30 years, the Athenians would create a new commercial, and civic center, a new Agora, at the northwestern foot of the Acropolis. Here the cries of peddlers and politicians would intermingle, as debates over priorities and the price anchovies would go on side-by-side. And here the new democracy would take flight." - Quote from "The Destiny of the Parthenon Marbles"
First of all if some movie executive is "smart" enough to propose a sequel to this movie I hope he gets fired on the spot and I'd applaud the use of actual fire in the process!
That said there are other stories that could receive Frank Miller's touch and become good films.
The previous poster spoke of the battle at Marathon and that is not a bad idea for a movie! But my suggestion is the story of the march of the ten thousand, you could named it just "10.000" and reap some of the windfall from this movie. Just make sure anyone dumb enough to suggest Michael Curtis Ford book as a base for the script suffers the fate outline by me on the first paragraph.
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